Landing Page
What is it and what is it for?
Lately, I am sure, you have heard from diverse sources the term, ‘Landing page’. The landing page, together with the website, are the engines driving the machinery of Digital Marketing. They are, in short, what makes it go. The Landing page is set up to promote a specific product, service, event or subject matter.
Why would we want to talk about or promote a single product or topic, when we can just as easily talk about everything. What is the difference between a webpage and a landing page?
The webpage is generally informative, telling the target everything about company. Let’s imagine we are a hat company.
If we specifically want to sell or promote, let's say, charro sombreros, potential customers visiting our webpage, faced with so many options, may not be able to find what they are looking for. They could be distracted from their initial intention of purchasing a charro sombrero, which is what our company wishes to promote.
But if we set up a landing page with basic, accurate information on charro sombreros, the potential customer is likely to register with us and buy the product.
Here are some examples of successful landing pages:
The objective of the landing page is to gather a database of potential clients through a registry.
In this example, the hook that leads potential clients to share their data is an all-expenses paid trip.
What does the webpage owner gain? A very large list of proven, classified potential consumers, something they can sell to other companies operating in the tourism sector.
In this example the hook is a discount card. The objective is to promote the restaurant and gather relevant information about the market. What is the favorite dish on the menu? Do they know your App? We see a tersely worded message with a call to action, which serves to turn the target into a frequent customer.
These are some keys to an effective landing page:
• Send a clear message
• Provide buttons for the Call to Action. Call to action and turn visitors into potential customers.
• Collect key information for the company
I don't know how familiar you are with Digital Marketing, but we would like to talk to you about your digital strategy. With Asterizco Publicidad you can increase the number of visits to your website, turn these visitors in sales opportunities and close more deals. If you would like to receive a call from one of our consultants, please send your information to the following email:
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